MediXcel Meaningful Use

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Home / MediXcel Meaningful Use

 Meaningful Use

Meaningful Use is the biggest regulation passed in the United States of America in providing guidelines for EMRs there. Plus91 already complies with all the major guidelines set
Sr. No.
Meaningful Use Objective
Description in MediXcel
Use Computer Provider Order Entry
Visit Manager
Add Patient Medical Records which can store Medication details, Lab Details, Therapies. Also add images and external reports
Multiple templates can be added to cover additional points as per requirement.
All records can be stored, retrieved and managed
Implement drug/allergy checks
Drug Manager
Add and Edit Drug Master List.
Create Allergy and Drug Interaction pointers which alert you in case of clashes
User defined Drug to Drug rules
Maintain an up-to-date problem list of current and active diagnose based on ICD-9-CM or SNOMED CT®
Visit Manager
ICD 10 coding available for diagnosis
Record and chart changes in vital signs
Visit Manager
Add vital signs for each visit
Modify template to include vital signs of your preference
Clinical Decision support using user created pop-ups and tips
Graphical representation of certain vital signs
Auto Calculation of BMI etc
Record smoking status for patients 13 years old or older
Visit Manager
Smoking, Alcohol and Family/Personal History can be captured
Retrieve all patients matching certain fixed history criteria, free to choose and mix and match criteria
Incorporate clinical lab-test results into EHR as structured data
Visit Manager
Add Lab Data into structured formats of choice
Out of Range alerts
Scan and attach external reports
Interface with online Lab Transfer system possible
Graphs and Statistics on various parameters possible on each patient or whole data set
Generate lists of patients by specific conditions
Patient Manager
Clinical Information Based Stats
Use multiple parameters using OR and AND formulaes
Output is a full List of patient matching criteria and also the total number
Report ambulatory quality measures to CMS or the States (Eligible Physicians only)
Create a unqiue graphical dashboard on a whole range data and terms
Send reminders to patients for preventive/follow-up care
SMS and Email Alerts are integrated for Follow Up visits, Medication Reminders, Report Reminders.
Also IVRS integrated with MediXcel to take and record calls
Implement ve clinical decision support rules relevant to specialty or high clinical priority
Tool Tips and Clinical Support
Generate User Based Clinical Decision tips within the software
Easy access to these tips on roll over
Alerts created when reference ranges are crossed.
Manual alerts can be created as a display, SMS or Email to concerned person
Provide patients with an electronic copy of their health information upon request
Email Plugin, Online EMR Access
Print on Letter Head or with Letter Head Visit Report, Patient History Summary, Prescription, Referral Letter etc
Printout of entire records of fixed bits is possible
Allow to email anything which can be printed.
Provide patients with electronic access to their health information within 96 hours of the information being available (EP only)
Online EMR Access
Allow Patients to access their information on a patient portal online
Integrate portal into your website
Create a whole new patient portal website for your practice
Online-Offline mode to continously detect internet and update data
Provide clinical summaries to patients for each visit. (EP only)
Visit Manager
All Patient Information can be selected and given to patient via:
Email, Print, Patient Portal
Easy to use UI allows this in one click
Exchange key clinical information among providers of care and patient authorized entities electronically and provide summary care record
MediXcel Connect
Information can be provided in easy to use XML formats to all 3rd party resources to transfer and use. Already implemented with few local Indian Providers
Perform medication reconciliation at relevant encounters and each transition of care and referral
Drug Manager
Prepare easy to use Prescription Templates which can easily be added during the visit
Create Medical Bills which auto deduct from inventory and help track medication inventory status
Submit electronic data to immunization registries and actual submission where required and accepted
Immunization Templates
Information can be provided in easy to use XML formats to all 3rd party resources to transfer and use. Already implemented with few local Indian Providers
Protect electronic health information through the implementation of appropriate technical capabilities
User Management
Assign Unique User Ids
Create and Modify User Access rights for each user
Track changes made by user
Billing authorizations for rates changed which are not same as Master rates
Maintain active medication/allergy list
Visit Manager
View the entire Medication History of the Patient in a single click
Print Select Prescriptions for reuse
Record demographics
Visit Manager
Record Patient Demographics
Add Patient Photograph
Maintain unique Patient Id per patient
Add and Use more than one number Mobile No, Address and Email

Thus Plus91 enables Practices to function better by designing the EMR to be used meaningfully in your clinic maximizing benefits to the patient and the staff.

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