Practice Management. Everything you need.
Experience our Practice Management features manage your scheduling, billing, inventory, loyalty programs while providing vital MIS Reports.
Scheduling and Appointments
Manage Appointment timings and timeslots by Doctor, Team and Clinic or Lab. Block slots when Doctor is unavailable. Take down appointments for a Single or Multiple Services across Clinics and setup automated reminders if configured
Auto-Create billing during Scheduling. Add / Update bills and payments with discounts, special rates for Members, loyalty card holders, channel partners, corporates and more. See billing reports by Modality, channels and more along with break-ups on business income.
Multi Clinic Management
Manage Multiple Clinics using a single software. Create clinic timings, services it offers, Doctors and Employees attached, clinic specific rates and more.
Memberships and Subscriptions
See system generated notifications based on your own user type for actions to be done, reminders or new incidents which affect your workflow. Create Manual or automated alerts for future use for internal users as a display or via SMS/E-mail
Alerts and Notifications
Create Membership plans and Subscriptions plans based on time period and billing rules by Service or Service Group with added flexibility to co-pay or set limit of use by amount or time. Manage Membership renewal and generate Membership bills by month for post paid plans
See over 30 MIS Reports for various Financial and Administrative parameters with filters over time and clinic. See number of consultations done, average waiting time of patients, upcoming membership renewals, revenue break-up by department and more.
Corporate Management
Create and Manage Corporate clients. Attach Patients to corporates and track their billing. Create Plans where Corporates can co-pay for Employees and manage corporate level billing. Corporate Dashboard to see billing and HRA reports and service utilizations reports by their employees
Referrals and Channel Management
Create a Referral database and track their referrals over time. Create a Channel Master and specific rates by channel and track their patients over time.
Direct Sales Agent Management
Manage Direct Sales agents and provide them a login to see their performance. Add DSA when add a new member or patient as a mean of reference as to where the patient came from.
Insurance Management
For each patient add insurance details and track policy expiry.
Internal Chat
Chat with fellow staff inside your clinic or across clinics using our internal chat option which improves productivity and outcomes
Pharmacy Management
Manage a Pharmacy Inventory and also generate Pharmacy Vouchers as a POS using E-prescritions generated inside the EMR or as stand alone entries
Audit Trail
See Audit trail by Date, User or Activity across the entire application and have complete access to each activity or incident happening inside the system
Service and Template Management
Add new Services under Consultations, Labs or Imaging groups with their own rate, rules, and template. Add Lab Parameters into lab tests or use helpers to built your own consultation formats.
Print Header and Footer Setup
Add a pre-set header and footer image to ensure your print outs and PDF reports insdie e-mails look perfect when sent to referring doctors or patients
Nearby Ambulance and Hospital Directory
Update and Manage a directory for staff and patients of nearby emergency ambulance numbers and hospitals.
Network Diagnostics and Doctors
Manage Network Diagnostic Partners where you may be sending samples or receiving reporting orders. Track completion of service and reporting along with a MIS Report to see number of services done by each or for each Network Diagnostics. For Network Doctor, allow time limited access to specific patient records to complete a consultation
Doctors leave calendar
Quick access to update the Doctors leaves and block their calendars. Patients can see the Doctors who are available while making an appointment at the front desk or online.
Prescription templates
Make your own prescription templates and choose one during your appointment. It is easy to use and saves you time.
Recommendation template
You may set recommendation templates and map them to ICD-10 codes and provisional diagnosis.
Patient Encounter Details
Can see all historical data from previous consultations, as well as the consultation notes, Easy link up with consultation screen one can actually see the consultation notes
Billing - Total Revenue Report
You can see the total revenue generated for your centre based on different filter options and export it in Excel or PDF. Can check this on daily,weekly or monthly basis
Sending consultation report on email
Once the report is ready you can set autotrigger to send report on patients registered email id Or has an option to send it on email id of Doctor,patient or any additional email id